MVD Earth Box
Eliminate electrostatic Noise Improve Sound Quality
MVD-EARTH grounding box actually works to achieve improved sound performance of your audio system through noise reduction. It's not the type of noise you can detect by putting an ear to a speaker when the music's not playing. Removing the crud caused by electrostatic fields makes music sound more dynamic, more musical and with greater clarity.
Noise - Think Outside the Box
In its broadest definition, noise is any undesired signal
Analog signals accumulate noise as they flow through system equipment and cables
Once noise is added, it's essentially impossible to remove it without altering or degrading the original signal. Therefore, noise must be prevented along the entire signal path.
Signal INTERFACES are generally the danger zone, rather than the equipment itself.
Understanding Noise in Your Audio System
Defining Noise: At its core, noise is any unwanted signal that interferes with your audio experience.
The Journey of Analog Signals: As analog signals traverse your system's equipment and cables, they pick up noise, accumulating unwanted signals that degrade audio quality.
The Challenge of Removing Noise: Once introduced, noise is nearly impossible to remove without changing or diminishing the original signal's integrity. The key is to prevent noise from entering the signal path in the first place.
Where Noise Finds Its Way: Often, the most vulnerable points for noise intrusion are signal interfaces, not necessarily the equipment itself.
The iEARTH Grounding Box plays a crucial role in preserving the purity of your audio system's signal, ensuring that what you hear is as true to the original recording as possible.
Types of Signal Noise and Their Effects
1. Digital Noise:
Origin: Arises from digital devices and circuits, such as DACs, digital streamers, or computers. Generated by the binary switching operations in digital processing.
Effect: Can affect even fully analog devices like tube amplifiers through interconnected cables, leading to less pure sound, reduced clarity, and increased harshness.
2. Analog Noise:
Origin: Emanates from electromagnetic interference (EMI) from electronic devices, thermal noise from resistors, and mechanical vibrations.
Effect: Adds hiss, hum, or static to audio output, detracting from fidelity in turntables and reducing signal-to-noise ratio in amplifiers.
3. Ground Loop Noise:
Origin: Occurs with multiple grounding paths in an audio system, creating loops that induce noise.
Effect: Manifests as a low-frequency hum or buzz, problematic in systems with complex interconnections.
4. Video Signal Noise:
Origin: Relevant in systems combining audio and video devices, stemming from complex processing in video devices and cables, such as HDMI.
Effect: Can degrade audio quality through shared connections and power supplies, introducing interference similar to digital noise.
5. Network Signal Noise:
Origin: Generated by network devices and cables, especially in environments with high-frequency data transmission and Wi-Fi signals.
Effect: Can introduce jitter and latency in streamed audio content, affecting timing accuracy and leading to a less stable soundstage.
6. Turntable (Phono) System Noise:
Origin: Arises from the mechanical nature of turntables and the electrical signal processing in phono preamps. Includes motor noise, belt vibrations, and electrical noise from the cartridge.
Effect: Adds pops, clicks, and a background hum to the audio output, potentially overshadowing the nuances of the vinyl playback and reducing the overall warmth and depth of the sound.
An Overview of Audio System Grounding & Interfacing Common-Impedance Coupling

Two currents, power-line and signal, flow in the same impedance, which allows them to couple!
Technically, this coupling mechanism is called “common-impedance coupling” because an impedance (resistance) is “common” (shared) to two circuits. One circuit is between device A output and device B input (the signal circuit) and the other is between the AC power connections at each device. In this example, since there are no safety ground connections, the current in the second circuit is due to “leakage current” (which flows from power-line to chassis in each device). The “common impedance” is, of course, the resistance of the grounded conductor (usually, but not always, the shield) in the interconnect cable.
As electronics developed, the common return paths of various circuits were also referred to as “ground,” regardless of whether or not they were eventually connected to earth. In addition, a single ground circuit most often serves, either intentionally or accidentally, more than one purpose. Thus, the very meaning of the term ground has become vague, ambiguous, and often quite fanciful. Some engineers have a strong urge to reduce these unwanted voltage differences by “shorting them out” with massive conductors — the results are most often disappointing. Other engineers think that system noise can be improved experimentally by simply finding a “better” or “quieter” ground. Many indulge in wishful thinking that noise currents can somehow be skillfully directed to an earth ground, where they will disappear forever!
We have talked about electrical noise and what can be done to minimize the noise. All the electrical noise in the world doesn’t matter a bit unless it affects the signal. On the other hand, just a tiny bit of electrical noise can wreak havoc if it shows up in the wrong place. In order for the noise to affect the signal it must be routed in such a way as to interact with the signal. Careless mixing and interaction of grounds is the biggest cause of audible degradation of the music in an audio system, so let’s take a look at how this works.
To understand what can go wrong you need to understand something called Common Impedance Coupling. Simply stated, Common Impedance Coupling is the way that noise gets mixed in with a signal. Noise can get mixed with the signal in a couple of ways: first, “conductive coupling,” when two circuits share the same path, and second, “radiated coupling,” when noise from one circuit is radiated into another circuit carrying the signal.

Two forms of Common Impedance Coupling
The circuit on the left of upper figure shows two current loops, one loop with the signal and a second noisy loop. Impedance Z1 is a sensitive spot in the circuit, perhaps a signal reference buss, which is common to both loops. The signal current, I1, and the noise current, I2, both pass through Z1 creating a voltage that is the product of the impedance and the sum of the two currents. The circuit on the right of figure also shows two current loops, one with the signal and the other with noise. In this case the sensitive impedance, Z2, is not common to both circuits.
However the two loops are situated such that there is capacitive or inductive coupling between them and the noise voltage is coupled into the signal loop. The resultant current is a composite of the signal current and the noise current which creates a voltage across Z2 that contains a mix of the signal and noise. There are two loops in each of these examples, but in reality the Common Impedance Coupling could be the result of several loops or a combination of conductive coupling and radiated coupling.
An example of a problem caused by radiated coupling is with the orientation of transformers in a vacuum tube amplifier. Depending on the orientation of the transformers with respect to each other, the output transformer may pick up the radiated field from the power transformer, causing an audible hum. Simply rotating one of the transformers may be sufficient to remedy the problem. Otherwise, increasing the distance between them will eliminate the problem.
Believe in again breakthrough! Refer to the rich experience and application research from our grounding system, iEARTH makes it perfect.

The MVD-EARTH box is made from a solid carved aluminum body with two substantial solid grounding modules top with 4 receptacles for linking up grounding system with the noise pickup pole. Although this is a small device, it is quite substantial in weight and feel. New Earth Box, MVD-EARTH, is based on the same technology found in iGROUND cable and iBLOCK MVD.
The improvement in sound for Stream Player, Media Players, SACD/CD Players, DACs, LP turntable system, Speaker system, AV home theater system, projector, TV set and just about all other audio equipment hooked up with MVD-EARTH is quite significant sounding. The soundstage, bass, and definition of instruments and voices were enhanced.

Following list of alternative applications with corresponding MVD-Earth Box:
Turntables: Use EBP-3 for grounding the turntable or chassis ground.
Phono Stage: Connect EBP-3 and EBA-3 to any spare input, output, or chassis ground.
SACD/CD or Streaming Transport: Utilize EBD-3 for connecting to any spare digital output or chassis ground.
DACs: Link EBD-3 and EBA-3 to any spare digital and analog input/output or chassis ground.
Pre-Amplifiers: Employ EBA-3 for connecting to any spare analog input, output, or chassis ground.
Power Amplifiers: Use EBA-3 for linking to any spare analog input, negative speaker terminal, or chassis ground.
Loudspeakers: Connect EBS-3 to the negative speaker terminal.
USB Devices: Use EBD-3 to connect to any spare USB input, output, or chassis ground.
Network Devices: Employ EBN-3 for connecting to any spare LAN port output.
Video Equipment: Use EBV-3 for HDMI connections on TV sets, top boxes, projectors, AV processors, integrated amplifiers, or media players.
Any Component with an Active Circuit: Connect EBA-3 or EBD-3 to any spare input, output, or chassis ground for enhanced performance.

EBA-3 Earth Box for Analogue USD$750/set 0.8m RCA to banana DCT3 Silver Ion Plated 6N OCC connecting cable

EBD-3 Earth Box for Digital USD$750/set 0.8m RCA to banana DCT3 Silver Ion Plated 6N OCC connecting cable

EBN-3 Earth Box for Network USD$750/set with 0.8m RJ45 to RJ45 DCT3 Silver Ion Plated 6N OCC connecting cable

EBP-3 Earth Box for LP system USD$750/set with 0.8m RCA/small spade to banana DCT3 Silver Ion Plated 6N OCC connecting cable

EBS-3 Earth Box for Loudspeaker system USD$750/set with 1.2m spade <---> banana DCT3 Silver Ion Plated 6N OCC connecting cable