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INCRECABLE innovative unique Vibration Control  technology works in horizontal and vertical direction vibrations by Mechanical Vibration Decoupler MVD.


Horizontal & Vertical Vibration Isolation Made Easy

MVD-1 & MVD-2 Mechanical Vibration Decoupler adopt INCRECABLE innovative unique Vibration Control  technology works in horizontal and vertical direction vibrations by utilizing sandwich composite construction by neoprene and cork wood, they act like nonlinear springs that cut off the transmission of vibrations.  Therefore the resonance between the two layers of the isolation neoprene become physically impossible. As a result, MVD-1 & MVD-2 Mechanical Vibration Decoupler filter out a broad band of input vibration frequencies and insure a constant level of vibration transmission reduction.

MVD-1 & MVD-2 Mechanical Vibration Decoupler feature a sturdy, black PVC with non-stick neoprene surface footprint sized 2" x 2"  (50mm x 50mm) loads up to 45 Lbs (20Kg / each). Featuring by MVCT Mechanical Vibration Control Technology, iBLOCK series tools provide good isolation both vertically and horizontally starting at 20 Hz.


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